Posts in Mindful Lifestyle
5 Ways to Navigate Life as a Highly Sensitive Man

One of the life areas that has been the most humbling for me, is around the importance of creating a healthy and sustainable work-life balance.

Even as someone who works with and preaches self-care to others, there are times when I go longer periods than usual, without fully honoring or embodying it myself.

As a highly sensitive man, one of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned, is to really prioritize certain aspects on a day-to-day basis as ‘non-negotiables.’

What I mean by this, is that certain practices are an absolute must for me each day, which include:

1. 20-30 minutes of meditation

2. Journaling

3. Earthing (placing my bare feet onto grass)

4. Starting the day with a gratitude practice

5. Eating at least one avocado a day (it really helps my brain function and overall energy)

However, even with these, there are certain other areas on a mental and emotional health level, that I’ve found must be embraced and honored too (in order to thrive in a world that can oftentimes move at a rhythm, that isn’t sustainable for those who truly desire to live from a more mindful view).

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How to Create a Balanced Life: 5 Ways to Feel Calm, Grounded, and Happy

Genuine happiness is an inside job.

I repeat, genuine happiness is an inside job.

Okay, I’m glad we could get that out of the way :-)

But in all seriousness, each and every one of us on this planet, desires to live a life of peace, purpose, and joy.

At the end of the day, I believe we’re all here in this beautiful planet to attend what I like to call Earth School.

A school that provides opportunities for us each and every day to learn new aspects about ourselves, and continue to evolve into our highest and most authentically aligned expression.

One of the aspects that I feel fortunate in deeply recognizing and bringing intentional and meaningful focus towards within my own life, is personally creating one where peace is at the foundation.

Through the cultivation of certain daily practices, as well as the reframing of each and every moment into being a loving teacher, I feel inspired to speak a bit more on the power we all have to shift our perceptions.

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