Why Self-Love is the most Powerful Drug

The power of love cures all.

It can take someone from feeling stressed, depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, to feeling light, relaxed, calm, and peacefully present.

When we love all of ourselves, we naturally become more gentle and compassionate.

We understand the deep and wide range of emotions, because we’ve not only felt them all, but have learned in our life experience that there is nothing that love cannot penetrate through.

Rather it a be a closed heart, a chaotic mind, or a feeling of shame or guilt.

No matter what it is, underneath it all is love.

When we commit to loving and accepting ourselves for exactly who we are, we release tension and stress in every cell of our bodies.

When we commit to loving our most vulnerable areas (the ones that we often respond to by either withdrawing or getting fired up), then we can gracefully forgive ourselves, and do this at any given moment.

Forgive ourselves for ever feeling or believing we weren’t enough.

Forgive ourselves for judging ourselves when we ‘fall’ short of our perceived wants or desires.

Forgive ourselves for the times we’ve said or done things, that we now know didn’t come from a place of love.

Love is a powerful drug.

Its supply is endless.

It’s available in infinite and limitless amounts.

It connects us to our deepest core.
It energizes, it heals, and it always expands us if we truly allow it.

Underneath fear is love.

Underneath sadness is love.

Underneath anger is love.

Underneath frustration is love.

Underneath excitement is love.

Underneath love is love.

Love is always non-judgmental and exceptionally forgiving.

Love always connects us to our highest selves.

Love says hell yes to life.

Hell yes to living with a purpose.

Hell yes to sharing ones truth.

Hell yes to tapping into our most vibrant, lively, expansive, and greatest selves too.

Love pierces through the dark, allowing the shadows to be seen.

Love is courage, vulnerability, authenticity, and the relentless pursuit of pursuing ones dreams.

Sounds like a pretty powerful drug, at least if you ask me.

What do you love most about yourself?

Allow whatever comes to your mind to be felt.

Is it your smile?

Is it your eyes?

How about maybe even your feet?

Simply put, what if we love everything?

“But I became angry and yelled at _____, only just a few short days ago.”

Am I supposed to love that too?

Absolute, why not? As judging yourself, naturally creates a contraction.

“But I said some really mean things, and I’m not sure if they’ll ever forgive me… I really don’t know what to do.”

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Allowing your mind and body to be still.

I would love for you to repeat after me.

“I am love and love heals.”

“I am love and love heals.”

“I am love and love heals.”

“I forgive myself for judging myself, as being anything other than love.”

“No matter what I ever say, or choose to do, I will always be love.”

How do you feel?

A bit lighter, more calm, maybe even peaceful and present?

All it takes is but a thought, an instant to change one’s given perception.

Though by first loving the perception, the space is created to expand.

And as we expand, more and more possibilities, are given the space to grow.

Real transformation comes from a place of deep self-love.

There’s no sense of lack or a heavy need for anything external to be whole.

It’s simply a way of being in the world, that truly knows.

Knows that life is but a beautiful gift, no matter how we may perceive it at any given time.

Knowing that every single creation on this whole entire planet, started with a thought, then transformed into an action, which led to a journey.

A journey of bringing the original thought into physical form.

Love is creative, more than anything in the world, it desires to be expressed.

When we allow it to be transmuted, we’re gifted with what is really in store.

Sometimes it may take a day, other times it can take many years.

Why the hurry though?

Love has no expiration date, even when we gracefully depart from this physical earth.

It was here before we came and it’ll be here after.

So why not take full advantage of its abundantly creative powers.

Set an intention to be the most loving, compassionate, peaceful, and powerful version of oneself.

As when we commit to love, our lives unfold in unimaginable ways.

We fall.

We learn.

We grow.

We then rinse and repeat.

However through it all, we come back to love, because that’s all we truly know and will ever ‘be.’

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like one hell of a powerful drug, to me.

With Love,