#1 Reason Many Men Feel Disconnected from their Hearts

Throughout many men’s journeys of life and personal growth, they reach a point when they develop a deep awareness as to something feeling ‘off’ inside of them.

Maybe it has to do with their intimate relationships, career, or just an overall intuitive knowing that there’s a part of them that feels a void.

In my experience, one of the main causes of men feeling a deep and primal lack of connection within themselves, is due to the lack of true connection that many men feel with their fathers.

Maybe from a very young age they didn’t feel truly safe being themselves, as what was modeled to them didn’t necessarily align with their most authentic selves.

Maybe the conversations or dialogue they shared with their fathers was very surface level, not providing any true depth and a safe space for emotions to be channeled through.

Maybe they were a bit more on the sensitive side, and the qualities or traits of that weren’t fully embraced or accepted by the male models who were closest to them.

Or simply put, maybe they didn’t grow up with a healthy masculine figure in the household, who embodied the balancing in masculine traits of deep presence, discipline, and integrity, with the more softer feminine ones of empathy, compassion, vulnerability.

Can you relate to any of these?

If you answered yes then firstly know that you’re not alone.

Though we live in a society that is drastically changing as compared to what it was during our parents and grandparent’s generation, there is still work to do around redefining masculinity in a more harmonized view.

One that it’s second nature, when being able to connect with another man in a safe, trusting, and open-hearted way.

A way that welcomes any and everything that is on one’s mind or heart, from a place of non-judgement.

A way that is able to balance the qualities of assertiveness and discipline, with those of relaxation and flow.

A way that is so deeply connected to the heart, that one’s purpose truly is seen and overflows.

And from this place, men can connect deeper within themselves and to the place within their hearts that is asking to be seen and loved in the present moment.

A place that is highly curious and open to whatever it is that is showing up to be felt in the present moment.

A place that understands that through the pursuit of one’s mission and purpose on this earth, that they’re bound to push up against subtle inner wounds that may lead the heart to wanting to close.

An understanding that that in itself is totally 100% okay, and is a great opportunity to see and feel what’s there, so that one can gracefully continue to take a step forward (no matter how uncomfortable it may be at certain times).

These steps from the heart not only elevate ones whole entire state of being, but they also build up more and more inner alignment and strength.

As this strength continues to build over time, more and more clarity and fearlessness is embodied through every cell, fiber, and crevice of ones being.

We connect deeper to ourselves, and as we do so, we’re able to see even with more and more clarity that our fathers were simply doing the absolute best that they could.

They connected with us in the greatest capacity that they themselves had access to.

What we once saw as negative or life experience that we disliked and judged, we now see as a beautiful gift for us in personally maneuvering through.

We’re able to see other men on deeper level, because we’ve truly gone deep in seeing all of ourselves too.

We communicate our truth from a place of love, and this creates a deeper connection to all of those within our lives who it’s meant for us to connect to.

Our intimate relationships are highly enhanced.

Our purpose in life is not only seen, but we embrace that inevitably there will be moments that is going to require us to show up even more, in order to truly be seen.

We form heartful connections with other men whom we trust. Men who we can see, and who allow us to truly be us.

We combine all of this potential power and harness it out into the world.

We live from a deep place of purpose and meaning, creating personal values and boundaries that truly put our hearts and integrity first.

From this foundation we are grounded and rooted in self-love.

And this love for self is the anchor in all that we share and put out into the world.

We truly let go of competing with another, as even when we may feel challenged at times, we go inward and lovingly compete with ourselves.

So, what once was a disconnection from the heart, is now a superpower that others on the path desire nothing more than to be around a conscious, heart-centered, sensitive, and strong man.

This is the power that us men hold in our hands.

If you desire to surround yourself in the most uplifting, heartful, and purpose centered group of other sensitively strong men, I invite you to apply to join my community of other highly sensitive men.

With Love,


P.S. -

In case you missed it, last week I shared my personal story in The Power of Semen Retention (which to date, has received more reads than any other article I've written this whole year). Please feel free to check it out if you may.

Double P.S. -

I'll be one of the speakers for The Shift Networks 2021 Evolved Empath Summit tomorrow (Friday the 19th) at 5:00PM CST. If you'd like to check out the talk for yourself (it's free), you may register for it here (additional note, once registered you'll have up to 48 hours to view the talk... in case your schedule doesn't allow for you to view it live).