The Importance of Honoring Your Daily Rhythm

As someone who’s background has consisted of being in high level sales for over a decade and a half, I used to believe it was all about setting meetings all day and getting in front of as many people as possible.


Is there anything wrong with this?


Not at all.


However, for my own personal energy it doesn’t align (and trust me, I’ve tried time and time again to ‘make’ it be that way).


I’ve come to recognize that based on honoring certain daily rhythms (including writing, reading, and time of ‘nothingness’), that I tend to operate at my best with a maximum of two meetings per day.


Some days I’ll squeeze in a third one.


Maybe it’s because it’s someone I feel really connected or inspired to speak to.


Other times it could be because I may be feeling really energized and forget that a 3rd meeting is a no no for me on an energy management level.


However, guess what always ends up happening during those days when I stretch myself with a 3rd meeting……


I end up feeling completely exhausted afterwards, and notice that I even oftentimes need more rest and time in bed the following morning.


I used to be so hard on myself about this, creating a story that if I didn’t jump right out of bed upon my eyes first opening, that I was wasting time.


Now I often find myself laughing about it (joking with my beloved around how I’ve created this scenario time and time again), clearly showing a liking of playing the game of Russian roulette with myself at times.


Moral to the story?


1.     Slow down and identify your true (and most importantly) sustainable work-life rhythm


2.     Once identified, prioritize and do the best you can in honoring it


3.     Try not to be too hard on or beat yourself up for the times when you may slip up.


And if you can, remember to try and laugh about it.


Share the story around it with someone close to you, with a gracious smile and token of respect to yourself (for experiencing it and creating the potential pivot back to a more aligned rhythm the next or following day).


Choose progress over perfection, as at the end of the day, we’re all doing the best we can and are continuing to learn and evolve, each and every day.


With Love,




P.S. – You can chase your dreams and live a balanced life at the same time too.


Double P.S. – We’re just ten days shy of completing 1/4th of the 2022 calendar year. Pretty crazy right? If you find yourself feeling a bit stressed or overwhelmed and are interested in creating a deeper sense of peace, ease, and flow within your life, I invite you to read “How to say Goodbye to Burnouts (For Good),” which provides the exact five steps to increase your energy, quiet down your mind, and vastly improve your sleep.
