One Way to Slow Down Time

Slowing down in Oahu, Hawaii

Slowing down in Oahu, Hawaii



It’s something we’re all familiar with, and at a certain degree desire more of.


When was the last time (if ever) you’ve heard someway say “All I really want is for time to speed up?”


If you let out a brief laugh, you’re not alone (as I just did so myself too).


However, what if I told you there was no such thing as time… would you believe me?


What if you could do ALL the aspects you deeply desire the most, without even thinking about time?


If it sounds too good to be true, it’s because perceptually it is for the vast majority of people.


Allow me to explain a bit more, before you choose to scroll your mouse to the toolbar and exit from this page (don’t lie.. you were thinking about it)   ;-)


Since time is essentially man created (shout out to the Mayans), then the true foundation and how we choose to use it is solely completely up to us.


But you may be saying, well I ‘have’ to be to work by a certain time… or maybe the phrase or thought of “I have ALL these responsibilities/tasks on my calendar that shows otherwise.”


Trust me, I completely understand where you’re coming from.


I’ve more than uttered the “there’s just not enough time in the day” phrase more times than I can remember (as I was literally just uttering this the day before writing this).


However, in dissecting that saying in itself, it creates the reality that “there truly is not enough time in the day.”


Crazy how that kinda works right?


Anything we feel and communicate to ourselves as being true, creates the vortex of that being the truth in our experience (no matter what the actual context is).


Something personally shifted for me a few years back, while I was working in my prior career as a Corporate Sales Executive.


At the time I was working an average of 60+ hours a week (often including weekends), and I remember hitting a dark lull for a period of time where I felt completely out of control when it came to my weekly work experience.


From the time I woke up in the AM (usually at 5-30AM), there was something on the schedule that ‘needed’ to be done.


I would start with an early morning workout or run, followed by rushedly eating breakfast, then commuting half an hour to work.


At work I’d be at my desk and would start looking up leads to reach out to.


I worked in a very highly competitive sales culture, so I felt I ‘needed’ to move as fast as possible in order to match or surpass my colleagues’ output.


During this period, when I would often come home I would be absolutely exhausted or ready to just crash in front of the television to shut my brain off.


Is there anything wrong with this picture?


Depends on the person, but I’d say absolutely not.


It’s about the perception of the individual as to what this ‘time’ spent throughout the day means.


What didn’t dawn on me then, as well as many other people who experience this cyclic routine (where they may feel they’re always rushed or off balance), is one key area that I’ve found has been momentously impactful in my life, when it comes to slowing down time, and creating a life by design.


I hope you may gain an insight or two upon what I share below. 🙌🏿




1.    Do What You Love


If you’ve followed any of my previous blogs or stories on my site (How to Create a Life on Your Own Terms or Why Your Story Matters), then you’re more than familiar with this concept as well as the importance of it.


However, let’s peel it back and go a bit deeper.


When we do what we love, time effortlessly flows by.


We feel energized, alive, and aren’t caught up too much in the ‘Newtonian’s’ absolute perspective of time.


We are in such bliss or joy, that no matter how much time we spend in this area of doing what we love, we feel a rise in our vitality afterwards.


Think of one (1) thing in your life, that whenever you’re doing it, you feel such a deep and absolute connection to it, that time seamlessly goes by.


This is spoken to at length in book “The Big Leap by Gay Hendrickson,” as he refers to it as identifying ones Zone of Genius (I speak more about this and how to discover one’s own personal genius zone here).


When we’re living in our genius, we are expanding all areas of our lives.


Our happiness increases, our relationships are enhanced, our capacity to excel in our careers or professions vastly improves, and most importantly, our creativity continues to grow.


Think about it this way.


What if it’s possible that each and every one of us came to this beautiful planet of earth to share our deepest and most unique gifts with others.


The gifts that individually we were blessed with, and by showing up in our most authentic essence, our gift is then able to be transferred to others in such a high degree that it collectively increases the state of happiness and alignment on the entire planet.


Does that sound too far-fetched to you?


It doesn’t to me, because this is what I genuinely believe to be true, and one of my biggest gifts is helping others identify their unique gifts, powerfully recreate their stories, and live a life that’s deeply connected to doing the ‘work’ and living a life of their dreams.


How can I speak this way?


Because it’s exactly what I’m doing and have always (without even knowing it) leaned into at various periods of my life.


At this time six years ago I was in what many would perceive as at or close to the mountaintop.


I was working as a Senior level Sales Executive for the #1 valued sports franchise in the world.


I made a healthy six-figure salary and received countless perks within not only the organization, but throughout the whole entire professional sports industry.


Free tickets, effortless access to top level events and concerts around the world, cutting lines with ease at night clubs when I would hand out my card ; - ) , and I was in a position where I was able to help support my family financially too.


I was living in the heart of the city, eating at high end restaurants most weekends and society would give me a pat on the back anytime I shared my job title and the high-level sports organization I was working for.


There was only one slight issue though.


I had reached a point where I wasn’t happy.


The work no longer fulfilled me.


What used to be exciting and uplifting for me each day, turned into me creating a sense of resistance towards it at a certain level.


I was frustrated, I was upset, I wanted more of my ‘time’ back.


It then dawned on me, that I truly could have all the time I really wanted, however this would require certain massive shifts in order to fully embody it.


At this point I began focusing all of my energy towards what it was that brought me the most joy (at least mentally).


If I had all the time in the world, how would I spend it?


What would I be doing?


Who would I be seeing?


What is my heart asking for?


What would spirit love to express through me?


The list then appeared as the following:


-       Writing, each and every day (sharing helpful personal development blogs to others)

-       Coaching/supporting/mentoring others who are in a transitory period and could use some intentional and loving guidance

-       Traveling to various countries throughout the world

-       Going to music festivals all over the globe


These are only a handful, but each and every one was at the foundation of what I knew brought me a deep sense of bliss and happiness.


Six years later since writing that I’ve:


-       Written over 100 blog articles (and have a practice where I journal each and every day)

-       I’ve coached clients all the way from 16-year-old high schoolers, up to 65-year-old women. I’ve help clients completely transform their personal health, transition out of careers that no longer served them, and deeply enhance the intimacy of their marriages or relationships

-       I’ve traveled to over 25 countries throughout the world (even spending two summers abroad - one in Europe and another in South America)

-       I’ve worked with clients all over the world – including but not limited to individuals in Luxembourg, France, South Africa, Argentina, Finland, Germany, and Thailand, as well as of course the USA

-       I’ve attended three of the top music festivals in in the world (shout out to Flow Festival in Helsinki Finland, Coachella in Indio California, and Lollapalooza in Chicago Illinois)


And at the time of writing this I live in Costa Rica with my beautiful beloved Veera (who leads women’s wellness retreats both here in the country, as well as her homeland, Finland).


Each day I do what I love in sharing exactly what you’re presently reading.


It warms my heart and deeply energizes me each and every time I spend doing it.


Time floats by.


I go into a trance.


Where I honestly believe there’s something far greater than my physical self who is doing the typing.


I know from the bottom of my heart, that if you’re in a place where you desire to create more time for yourself, that it’s more than possible.


Firstly, you have to believe that you’re truly in control of it.


That you are capable of organizing your days to prioritizing what it is that you love.


Even if that starts out with as little as 30 minutes.


Just in the essence of committing to that, you’ll gradually expand your life and creativity from it.


It requires commitment.


True commitment to oneself.


True commitment to the journey of life.


True commitment to progress over perfection.


What if we can perceive time as a beautiful thing.


A thing that even when it’s time for us to exit our physical bodies, since we’re made up of energy, then we just transition into another state where we can continue doing what we love.


I invite you to allow the essence of these words to permeate through every cell of your body.


To close your eyes and imagine a life that you are doing what you absolutely love.


To think/feel how much peace, love, and joy that would create in your daily experience.


Can you feel it?


Do you see it?


It’s there, beneath all of the noise.


It’s a part of your divine gift, that piece that you were blessed with and feel at a ‘soul’ level.

Now take a deep breath and a beautiful sigh of relief….


But don’t forget to always remember that YOU got this.. always have, and always will :- )


With Love,



If you’re in a place where you desire to gain even deeper clarity on the most aligned path forward within your life, I’d invite you apply for a one-time 30-minute Clarity Session with me. We’ll slow down, you’ll share what’s present for you right now, and I’ll ask you a couple questions that are sure to provide you the insights you may need, to continue towards your cultivation of slowing down time ; - )