A Message for the Highly Sensitive Men
The men who without even trying, processes things very deeply.
The men who have a propensity to become easily overstimulated (needing to slow down or be very mindful of how much time they spend on social media, in loud or overcrowded places, as well as high arousal environments too).
The men who are emotionally sensitive (effortlessly feeling their own, while easily picking up on those of others, and the vibe of whatever environment they find themselves in).
And the men who may have not had models of fathers, who they truly felt safe and comfortable, to express all of themselves too.
I see a lot of highly sensitive men who are hiding, living in the world with two masks.
Watering down their innate power, for fear of how others or society may perceive them.
Expending too much energy trying to fit into an uncomfortable box, rather than fully own who they truly are, and step further into their inner power.
Masculinity is a term that is thrown around so much, and there’s so many different ideals or beliefs around it.
Maybe it’s a certain height (all women prefer a taller man right)?
Maybe it’s a chiseled chest (all men want six pack abs right)?
Maybe it’s from being stoic, cool, calm, and collected all of the time (that’s who real men are supposed to be right)?
What if we release all of these archaic conditions and old societal beliefs.
Real men come in all heights, shapes, and sizes.
Real men have just as many emotions as women do.
Real men can live from their hearts and be deeply caring for their environment and others too.
Real men don’t have to compete with another, as they truly understand that the real competition is an inside game that actually begins within themselves.
And most importantly, a real man can cry, express fear, sadness, or any other emotions that if not trained to love (may be exceptionally uncomfortable to experience).
We live in a new world; one where the fabric of emotional intelligence is of supreme significance, now more than it's ever been.
One that embraces forgiveness, self-awareness, and compassion as a technology to go inwards and continue the journey of healing oneself.
If you’re a heart-centered, purpose driven, and growth-mindset oriented man who wants to:
Feel fully seen and heard
Confidently embrace more of who you truly are
Clarify your strengths and step deeper into your hearts vision
Boldly own your story, so that you can access more of your authentic power
Be in a positive and uplifting mentorship community of other men who are committed to self-actualization, tapping into their highest potential while still alive on the planet
Then let’s connect for a conversation.
My mission is to support highly sensitive men, in the journey of more deeply connecting to the inner greatness of their natural selves.
To create a safe and supportive network of sensitively strong men from all around the world.
One where men feel safe to let go of feeling alone and misunderstood (intentionally choosing to see and expand through their fears).
One where men take full ownership of their power and express the God of their experience, truth.
Men who are fully ready to remove the mask and create more depth and higher meaning in all areas of their lives, while being surrounded in all corners by others who are likeminded too.
Again, if this feels like a hell yes for you, and you have a deep inner knowing within your heart that this is exactly what you may need right now, to take the next step forward on your journey of personal growth, then I invite you to set up a conversation with me to learn more.
Get out of your mind, feel into your body, and listen to your heart for the answer.
Much love and peace to each and every one of you,