The Power in Not Knowing


Sometimes we feel like we have it all figured out, while at others we feel so lost and confused that it can nearly drive us crazy.

Sometimes we’re crystal clear with our desires and exactly what it is that we want, while at others it feels like no matter how hard we try, we’re just unable to access that creative visionary side that helps keep our aim steady.

We try to control any and everything, wanting to do everything in our power to guarantee a specific action or outcome is going to be favorable for us.

The thing is, no matter how much attention we put towards a certain thought or task at hand, we as a human species are always evolving.

Therefore what we desire at one point, may not offer us even a remote of interest the next.

This can lead to a great deal of frustration at times, as when we do receive what we thought would be the ultimate goal, proves to only provide us with a short glimpse or spark of happiness.

Can you relate to this feeling?

In my experience this shows up for two reasons:

  1. From developing an attachment to the perceived goal, leading to linking ones self worth as a direct reflection of whether the goal is attained

  2. Having a belief that said goal is the ultimate, or mountaintop of all goals

You see the beautiful thing about being a human is that our minds are always expanding, whether we truly believe this or not.

Each and every experience that we have opens up a gate of new reflections and opportunities available to us, which weren’t apart of our conscious psyche before.

The more our reality is stretched by our experiential being, the greater responsibility we have in making decisions that empower us to take our next best step.

You may already be familiar with there being two different mindsets:

Growth vs. Fixed


The growth-oriented mind is malleable, receptive, and loves learning.

The fixed mind is firm, guarded, and believes it already knows it all.

As with all personal preferences, we all have a default pattern as to which side we tend to lean towards.

Maybe on certain issues we’re extremely open for external input, while in others we may not be as open to new experiences.

So where does that not knowing part come in?

In the natural ebb and flow of life, it’s impossible to grow if we play it safe and not take risks.

Risks are what shows the universe that we’re willing to try something different, in order to illicit a hopefully favorable outcome for ourselves.

But then BAM!

We can all remember some aspect from our past that we went into with greatest intentions, however the result didn’t turn out to be exactly what we wanted.

We now look back on those moments when we felt most vulnerable, with a sense of pride and appreciation for stepping out of our comfort zone to do something new.

That’s the circle of life.

We’re born to experience it to the depth that we choose to experience ourselves.

We try new things, win some with relative ease, while others present us with arduous challenges (offering us deeper learning curves).

However each and every experience teaches us something new about ourselves, which we wouldn’t have been able to access previously.

Life is more fun and scary when we fully accept and embody the fact that it’s impossible for us to know exactly how every thing we do is going to turn out.

The clearer we become on our values, the more boundaries we’re able to set.

The more boundaries we set, the more space we have to tap into our most creative versions.

The more we access our creativity, the more insights we receive.

And the more insights we receive, the more we’re able to place clear attention towards our greatest desires and visions of our future self.

Here’s the beautiful thing though.

We’re all operating from a certain level of consciousness.

So what we may think is a vision or goal today, may only represent a fraction of what that evolves to over time.

Knowing this should provide us with a sense of relief.

An inner acceptance of realizing that no matter what we dream of right now, the more open we are to listening to ourselves and staying the course, the more we’ll naturally come across new terrains that we quite don’t fully understand.

This is the path and journey of life.

To constantly be focused on ones internal growth.

To welcome new challenges.

To dream ambitiously.

To fall down.

To get back up.

Rinse and repeat.

To play life on the offensive side of creation, rather than the defensive side of stagnation or comfortability.

We should always be aiming for something.

When we’re not, we must go through periods of not knowing so that we can regain that sense of knowing.

Living in this world, you’re either moving forward with a sense of purpose, circling in a loop of unfulfillment, or actively creating by just being open to the intuitive answers that always show up when we create the space for them to do so.

Aim high.

Fall gracefully.

Celebrate the wins.

Learn from the perceived failures.

And don’t forget to passionately, through it all, immensely love yourself along the way.

The grandest treasures are not for the faint of heart.

So always choose progress over perfection, as there’s really no such thing as any other alternative.

With Love,


Brandon BennettComment