The Power of Creating I AM Statements

I recently returned back home from spending four days out in nature for a solo silent retreat.


It’s something that I’ve experienced a handful of other times throughout the past three to four years, however this particular trip felt much different than the prior ones.


Admittedly, in the past when I’ve set up different “disconnection” solo retreats, it’s come at the very last minute and was created from an absolute necessity.


I was either overworking myself, loading too many things on my plate, or lighting the proverbial candle at both ends.


To say I was exhausted would be an understatement.


However, as I mentioned above, this retreat was completely different.


I organized it about two months in advance (firstly sharing it with my accountability group, whom I meet with on a weekly basis), as well as with my partner (who I knew I’d need to navigate proper dates of it with), as her birthday happens to fall right after the New Year too.


I shared with them my excitement for creating some space right before the New Year, in order to be in deep stillness, while reflecting back on my creations of 2021 (with the intention of grounding into my clearest intentions and goals for 2022).


While I already felt a level of clarity to an extent, I knew that being in my own energy field (surrounded by the naturally expansive environment of nature here in Costa Rica), would enhance that tenfold.


My beloved and I spent New Year’s Eve meditating, listening to calming music, and writing out all the aspects that served us in 2021 (as well as those that we individually identified as no longer being useful).


Afterwards we then went through an exercise of focusing our minds and hearts on what it is that we’re truly bringing forth and creating in our lives to go into 2022 (both individually, as well as together).


It was interesting to do this exercise just prior to going on my own solo retreat, as I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the present moment in where I was at.


It dawned on me just how clear I felt within my own needs, the boundaries that would needed in order to continue the cultivation in honoring them, and the aspects inside of me that I gracefully noticed were still areas I could improve upon.


I actually became a bit emotional during this exercise.


Not emotions as in a flood of tears, but emotions as in just an abundance of appreciation for where I’m at in life.


I could sense that even more clearly, as I remember how it’s felt to create the perception of being both highly critical and judgmental towards myself too.


If I’ve learned anything in my 36 years of orbiting around the Sun, it’s that self-compassion is truly a superpower.


The gentler I am with myself, the more loving and gentler I am towards others (interesting how that works huh?).


However even in saying that, my interpretation of gentleness is one that is coming from a bonafide strength of empowered integrity (not of flaccid victimhood).


This world has and continues to show me that EVERYTHING is a 100% internal game.


Our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, and values are what create the actions that ultimately manifest our realities.


One of the most powerful daily exercises that I’ve intentionally embodied first thing in the morning upon waking up for a few years now, is one of verbally repeating my personal I AM statements.


I originally learned these from a mentor of mine, Steve Hardison, after watching a video where he described his experience of ‘being’ with a then professional NFL player in the creation of ‘who he was.’


I was deeply touched by this over 2-hour video, to the point that I was brought to tears upon my first time in viewing it (send me a message if you’d like the link to give it a view yourself).


I’ve shared it with each and every client of mine, whom I’ve worked with ever sense.


The reactions are different; however, I believe that experience lands for those who are truly open and ready to receive the message (no judgment by the way for those who may feel otherwise).


So why do I mention this?


Because I’d like to share my personal I AM statements with you.


To be fair, this is a working document that has and I’m sure will continue to be updated (given what’s being called most forward in the present), however here is the latest iteration at this moment:


I AM unconditional love.


I AM pure creativity & effortless inspiration


I AM nonjudgmental & open to learn at all times


I AM a masterful, dynamic, & magnetic communicator


I AM that money flows into my life


I AM the embodiment of inner peace


I AM vibrant & pristine health


I AM deeply in love with the most beautiful, patient, adventurous, and kind woman on the planet, Veera


I AM a transformative poet of words


I AM divine & whole at all times


I AM high vibes


I AM beautiful music


I AM rhythmic dance


I AM light, playful, & effortless flow state


Again, these are my present creations in who I AM, in what it is that I choose to convey or express out to the world.


It’s a part of every fiber, cell, and crevice of my WHOLE entire being.


It’s interesting to share these with you, as I distinctly remember being a bit embarrassed to fully honor my I AM’s, and how others may perceive them (when I originally created the first iteration back in 2019).


However, I now feel blessed to perceive them in a completely different fashion today.


I have clients who I AM’s include a culmination of the following:


-     I AM the best husband and father on the planet


-     I AM the best corporate sales executive in all of professional sports


-     I AM the most powerful coach to ever live


Some of you may view these as arrogant.


Admittedly, one of my present clients reflected back to me that his experience in me repeating mine to him face-to-face in one of our earliest sessions, was cockiness.


His reflection included the words “to be honest, that sounds a bit cocky to me.”


I expressed gratitude to him for authentically sharing what was true for him, while at the same time I invited him to look deeper into his interpretation (as well as the emotions that were bubbling up for him within that time).


Through this exercise, we were able to identify his perception of ‘why’ he felt this way, and ultimately the root behind it.


This particular man learned from an early age to not outshine his younger brother too much.


While it wasn’t verbally communicated to him by his parents, it was an unspoken rule.


He made better grades, performed better in sports, managed finances better, and had never gotten into any sort of ‘trouble’ throughout his whole child and adolescent years.


However, his brother on the flip side, didn’t particularly enjoy or perform well in school, played second fiddle to him athletically, had developed a bit of a problem with drugs through his teenage and college years (which graduated into his adult life), and he frequently relied on his family and older brother for financial support.


This client of mine during this exercise, realized that he intuitively was putting a dim on allowing his inner light to shine its brightest.


What he thought was coming from a place of love (for his brother and family), he realized was actually coming from a place of fear (in the overshadowing of others by fully owning his inner excellence).


 Why do I mention this?


Because in my experience, this is as aspect that isn’t often spoken deeply about (within the inter relational dynamic between siblings).


Also, in my experience, I see it come up in different dialogues, time and time again (especially with those who are naturally self-motivated, highly ambitious, and have attained a level of professional success).


If this is resonating with you on some level, I invite you to see this as an opportunity to reflect back within yourself, and those possible areas which you may be tossing pockets of water on your fire.


Those areas where you may contract, when the opportunity to step into a higher essence or octave appear.


Those areas that while they may feel uncomfortable, you know deep down in your heart that they are exactly the areas it would serve you the most in gracefully leaning into.


Can you feel anything come up for you?


Does anything bubble up inside of your psyche through the heart?


If so, trust that whatever first came through you, is exactly what needs to be seen.


Trust it from a place of open compassion, rather than criticism or judgment.


Trust it from a place of the GOD of your experience, allowing this moment to crystalize into one that is providing a beautifully unique opportunity to expand into an even higher level.


For this is a part of the beautiful spiritual journey that we all have the privilege of embodying within this human experience.


What are your creations from 2021 (not only the ones you may find it most easily to love, but the ones you may no longer desire either)?


From those, what are you letting go of from 2021?


From your 2021 creations, what would you love to continue creating in 2022?


And lastly, what new creations are you starting in 2022?


If these questions intuitively spark something up inside of you, from a place of desiring to really create honest clarity of what this ‘still very’ New Year shall bring, then I invite you to slow down, create some space, and truly ‘be’ with these questions.


And most importantly, to do so from a place of love, self-compassion, and ultimately inspired excitement for what YOU are newly creating here in 2022.


Don’t allow this to be another year, where you look back from a ‘I should’ve’ type of mentality, as the future is created NOW, and what we put out into the world is but a mirror for what is ultimately reflected back to us.


Blessings and grace to you in reflecting back the most highest expression of you :- )


With Love,



P.S. – I’m curious, what are you most excited about in 2022?

If you’re open to share, please feel free to reach out to and share with me, as I’d love to hear it.
