The Most Powerful Question You Can Ever Ask Yourself

Admittedly, as an introverted intuitive, my mind is often wondering into the terrains of the unknown. At times the amount of thoughts filtering through my psyche can feel almost uncontrollable.

However no matter what, there is one question I always default back to, in order to redirect my focus, gauge where I’m at, and decipher what I need the most in the present moment.

“Who do I need to be to achieve my purpose?”

That’s it.

Making this question the single aim of my life has given me such a sense of direction that it genuinely has quieted down the vastness of distractions and helps me make much more intentional decisions each day.

The power in the question lies in the individual meaning that the asker gives it.

No two single people will have the exact same answer, so it’s important to be clear of who you are, what you stand for, and the values in which you possess.

I myself have felt lost at different times in my life, where if this question was asked of me, I would’ve given it a more surface level response, maybe attaching it to some external or material object.

Now for me, it all boils down to how I’m personally showing up in the world and ultimately who I can most powerfully serve or help the most.

By mapping out the big picture, it makes reverse engineering it that much more digestible.

As an example, a big part of my visions and dreams are to travel around the world and be a public speaker (as well as writer) to different audiences and cultures that place as much of a value on personal growth as Ido.

This gives me an opportunity to naturally be in my best element, which I consider to be communication, and it also gives me the space to bend my reality by engaging with other people and seeing some of the most exotic places in the world.

But here’s the thing, “who do I need to be to achieve my purpose?”

When asking myself that question, it’s clear to me that I need to focus attention towards writing and continually improving my public speaking, but also be open to potential roadblocks along the way that force me to lean past discomfort.

Nothing fully worth pursuing in life comes easy.

As if it did, then the appreciation for the journey of obtaining it wouldn’t be fully actualized.

Another great aspect of the question is how it places full and total responsibility on yourself and nobody else.

Placing all the personal power in your own hands and eliminating external blame or a victim type consciousness.

Each and every second, we’re creating the reality in which we live. Our thoughts lead to our actions, and those actions lead us to a specific direction in the course of our lives.

When we not only become fully aware of this, but also alter our life’s decisions to put significant value (no matter how uncomfortable) on being loyal to our desires, then we’re able to inch closer and closer to what we need, in order to transform and evolve into our highest human expression.

The beauty in this is that there is not one single person who ever maxes out on their growth.

At any and all levels, we can always improve.

We can always be more loving, more compassionate, more disciplined, less judgmental, or any and all other aspects that innately comes to ones mind.

Knowing and honoring this, offers a unique opportunity to get real with ourselves at any given moment.

In my own personal life, one of the aspects that I find I need to consistently keep a watchful eye on is how compassionate I’m being with myself.

As an active dreamer by nature, my visions of the future are always vast (and sometimes ever-changing).

I have to remind myself that like with anything else, patience is truly a virtue.

It’s easy to at times feel cheated or in a place of desiring something so strongly that hasn’t yet physically occurred, that inner resistance starts to build, causing a cascade of self-doubt to enter ones mental sanctuary.

This is when it’s often easy to come up with excuses or reasons why a perceived outcome is just not realistic.

However when we place the power back on ourselves and sync the daily actions we embody, with the physical reality in which we’ve attracted, then we’re honestly able to see we are exactly where we’re supposed to be at any given time.

It’s quite the dichotomy, but the only way to achieve anything tangible is when the right intention meets a consistent action, who’s meaning is greater than ourselves.

No matter who you are or where you’re from, we’re all hereto connect and help each other to some extent.

Every profession is on one end providing something that is helping another person.

Knowing this inner connectivity of us as a human species, allows us to ask ourselves a vitally important question.

Is what I’m currently doing apart of my highest expression, or does it feel inauthentic to me?

On an energetic level, our bodies are always communicating to us.

The more in alignment we become with our truest selves, the more we naturally attract others along our paths that vibrate at our same frequency.

This means you’re going to lose and gain some new potential tribes along the way.

And there will be more trust with those tribes, as you’ll be able to see one another from a crystal clear state.

And as you continue to evolve, your energy and how you show up in the world evolves too.

Rather it be in our health, personal relationships, or professional careers, we’re all called to put a microscope on each of these areas at one point or another to see if there’s one in particular that is holding us back.

Sometimes it could even be a mixture of all three, leading to what feels like the tipping point of a major unraveling.

It is at these times where our highest necessity is to be supremely compassionate with ourselves.

The beauty is that life is cyclic. What goes up must comedown and we’ll never feel like we’re 100% at our absolute best at all times.

Stress is actually needed in order to break down what needs to be broken, or ignite a spark of change in what needs to be refocused.

“Who do I need to be to achieve my purpose?”

Write it down and put in a place where your eyes will often look. As the constant reminder serves the brain as a channel for inner growth opportunities, keeping us on the conscious path of continual personal development.

With Love,
