The Super Power of Self-Compassion

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The way we treat ourselves is a direct reflection to how we see the world.

The more loving, kind, and compassionate we are internally, the greater capacity we have to be that way towards other people.

Self-compassion is such a beautiful practice to cultivate each and every day.

This has been one of the most healing parts of my own life journey, and has provided me with a completely different approach to how I choose to live it.

As someone who’s experienced how it’s felt to deal with bouts of depression, anxiety, and a lack of love for self, I feel very connected to speaking about the impact this beautifully gentle act can make in ones life.

From a young age, I grew up feeling an underlying pressure to be the best. Rather it was in school or during athletic activities, societal and parental beliefs played a major factor in how I perceived my self-worth. I thought in order to receive love and admiration, I needed to excel or be the best at whatever it was I was doing.

Unknowingly to me at the time was the amount of stress I was creating in both my mental and emotional world, which inevitably was being stored in my physical body.

My own journey has and continues to be a great teacher for me when it comes to being present to what is. To acknowledge all the layers that are a part of my inner most essence, while at the same time creating enough awareness to realize that I’m not the emotions that appear at different times.

At my core, I’m just pure awareness. Just like each and everyone of us are.

We all have many layers. Many proverbial onions that must be peeled throughout our lives in order for us to bring light to the darker areas of our beings, and lean into the growth that we’re all here on this planet to experience.

We’re all beautiful just the way we are.

We all have a pure and divine essence at our deepest level, no matter what our state of being may be in at any given time.

The more we choose to be compassionate with ourselves, the more we realize just how important the art of loving oneself is.

Sometimes it can feel easy to beat ourselves up. We’ve all made decisions that we look back on now, where if we had the exact opportunity to make them again, we’d choose differently.

However, what if any and all decisions we’ve ever made has been a beautiful gift and lesson for us to appreciate?

What if every event or happening has been completely neutral and the only aspect that creates judgment or division of what it means, is our reflection of it?

Compassion aids us in being more empathetic to ourselves. It teaches us how to love all layers of our being.

It’s a natural healer of the body. One that innately activates the parasympathetic or relaxation part of our nervous system.

When relaxed we are able to “respond,” rather than “react”to the impulses of life.

We become wiser, more still, and more peaceful for all that is.

The more we practice this, the more detached we become to the material world. We appreciate and enjoy all that we have, yet our happiness is no longer dictated by it.

We are truly free.

Free from a state of feeling like we need something outside of us to be whole.

We are free to create from a place of “desire,” rather than“need.”

Anything we attach need to, creates separation.

We can unconditionally love and be supportive to everything, without feeling the need to be fixated or controlled by it.

Self-compassion is a super-power because it places influence back in our own hands at any given time.

If someone says something to us that triggers an “I’m not enough” inner feeling inside of our body, we can choose to recognize the feeling, acknowledge it, then send some compassion and love directly to it, in order to gracefully heal it.

This process in itself places us in beautiful and gentle light of pure acceptance and love for every layer that makes up our entire being.

“I am love.”

“I am inner peace.”

“I am stillness.”

“I am pure awareness.”

“I am grateful for the amount of genuine love I have for myself.”

We develop a sense and state of being that desires to harmonize and create beauty with all of life.

The art of living becomes a privilege and honor.

It becomes a beautiful playwright that we get the opportunity to conduct.

“Thank you universe for continuing to support me.”

“Thank you for always having my back, even during those times where I felt disconnected from you.”

“Thank you Creator for always being there for me.”

“Thank you for showing me what it means to truly trust the unknown.”

“Thank you for your unwavering love.”

“Thank you for all the you do.”

“Thank you for bringing me into this world and allowing me the chance to create all the desires of my heart.”

The clearer we become with our truest and most authentic essence, the more expansive our hearts become.

We truly tap back into the beautiful kid inside of each and everyone of us.

The kid who just loves to explore, create, and enjoy life.

The kid who isn’t attached to anything.

He’s curious, open, willful, and radiates a light energy that attracts others towards him.

This is the gift on the journey of life.

To remember that kid.

To love that kid.

To pierce through all the veils that have created the illusion that the kid no longer exists.

To gracefully be gentle to ourselves, so that kid can feel comfortable enough to truly play again.

“I am the beautiful kid that lives inside of me.”

“I am the divine essence of love, peace, and joy.”

“I am a powerful creator in this cosmic world.”

“I cultivate love, compassion, and gratitude for myself each and every moment.”

“I am honored to be alive and thriving in each and every moment.”

What if this was our natural state of being?

What visions could we truly create and take actions on from this enchanting place?

Life is meant to be lived from our highest essence, from a place that constantly reminds us of the innate power we all have to truly create whatever it is we desire.

The more clear and concise we are, the more harmonic the blueprint, and the more harmonic the blueprint, the more our core aligns to the actions that create the blueprint into physical form.

“I am love.”

“I am peace.”

“I am the essence of the divine.”

“My soul is here to fully actualize all of my innate gifts.”

“I am fearless on my path of divinity.”

“I choose to create from an abundant place of opportunity.”

“Thank you for all of my blessings.”

“Thank you for continuing to guide me towards the path that is necessary for my truest growth.”

“Thank you for being you.”

Always remember that you are the essence of love. You are the creator of everything in your life at this present time.

The past is the past and future is nothing but a result of the thoughts and actions we take in the present.

Be still, be love, be peaceful.

For you are the most beautiful and divine being there is.

You were created out of love, and now it’s time to fully embrace that innate beauty deep inside of your heart.

You are free. You are one. You are everything and nothing.

You are healed. You are pristine in all facets of your life.

I love you. You are loved. You are great.

With Love,
