The Top 3 Causes of Overeating

Eating is meant to be an enjoyable experience...The foods we use to nourish our bodies each and everyday, directly effect how efficient we are.As the primary source of our fuel and energy, the famous and timeless "we are what we eat" quote is still held in great respect. However, a large and growing percentage of the population eat substantially more than what is needed for the body. This can result in fatigue, irritability, and a continual increasing of pounds on the scale.With that in mind, here are 3 reasons why one may fall into the “overeating” trap and a solution to reverse it:

1) Fast Eating

This may sound minuscule but when we don’t properly chew our food and eat in a hurried state, two things happen. One, we prompt our body to activate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) or what you may have heard as the fight or flight response. The body views this state as a stressor. It’s akin to being attacked by a perceived external threat (whether real or not), which prompts the body’s physiology to go into protection mode.  This vastly reduces the efficient firing of your digestion system.  The SNS response not only lowers ones metabolism by not properly assimilating the ingested foods micronutrients, but it also bypasses your guts ability to send a signal to your brain in order to notify it of being full. This natural feedback loop from the belly to brain is limited and therefore unable to function in the most optimal way.Solution: Eat your food in a relaxed and comfortable state. Take 5-10 deep full breathes before each meal and take your time to properly chew each bite. Notice the smell and flavors of your meal.  Become aware of the rhythm in which you eat and if any sensations arise in your body. You don’t have to go too over the top with this, but just be more present with each meal and practice the art of “taking your time” at the table.

2) Poor Nutrition

You’ve probably already heard this one before but I’d like to echo it here again. Our bodies absolutely LOVE when we nourish it with recognizable foods. These are the foods that are in its most natural state, like fruits, veggies, nuts, and unprocessed meats. When in doubt just think of foods that can be found in nature, or the ones that tend to be located on the outer perimeters of our favorite grocery chains. These foods are metabolized with much more ease and our body often shows us this with the reward of increased energy, better moods, and enriched meal satiation. When the vast majority of our food intake (lets say 70%) comes from sustainable and natural (organic if possible) foods, the amount needed is far less than that of highly processed ones. In simplest terms, junk foods, which are laden with artificial ingredients, preservatives, and added sugar, creates cravings for more of the same. Whereas real food is noticeable to the body at a cellular level, which helps us in the process of operating in our most primal state.Solution: When grocery shopping try to make the bulk of your basket full with veggies and fruits. Then add your protein source of eggs, dairy, and meats (grass fed and wild if possible) of your choice. After the good stuff is in your cart first, then and only then should you add a couple of your guilty pleasures (mine is coconut ice cream). Life is way more enjoyable with the pleasures too right… but just don’t go overboard (this is where breathing can also help too).

3) Lack of a Quality Breakfast

This may be listed last but if I had to rank which of the listed three is of most importance, lack of a quality breakfast would easily come in for me as numero uno. I’m sure you’ve repetitively heard the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” I’m in the camp of being a wholehearted believer of this verbiage too. The first thing we put in our bodies upon waking up in the morning is a precursor for what drives us the rest of the day. Break—fast is exactly that, a break from a fast. We’ve been in a sleep state for six to eight hours (you’re winning by the way if you are consistently clocking in eight) and have the advantage of starting each one of our days with a clean slate. What’s exactly needed for a specific person may vary, but one truism has remained as a constant agreement by the scientific community at large; a balanced breakfast is ESSENTIAL to a healthier you.Solution: Eat a quality protein + fat + carb to start each day. This combo isn’t a one glass fits all approach and may need to be tweaked depending on your specific body’s nutritional needs, but starting here would be great for those who either skip out entirely or are currently eating a highly processed one.i.e. A couple eggs w/ blueberries, full-fat yogurt w/ fruit, or a plant based protein smoothie w/ ½ an avocado added.  While these are just a few suggestions, I’ve included a good quality fat with all of them to help keep your blood sugar levels regulated to start the day.If you suffer from overindulging, I’d recommend giving these a try.  Start with two weeks to see if you notice any changes and go from there. Remember though, Rome wasn’t built in a night, therefore don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up or are unable to follow all three to a tee. Consistency requires effort and repetition, both of which can be done with the right mindset. I’d also recommend keeping a journal log of your meals and how you feel after each one. While this may seem tedious, it can be extremely helpful in actively tracking what comes up for you and any progress that may be noticed along the way.Happy Eating!-BB

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