Why You Should Live Your Life the Way You Want to Go Out

In deep thought at Manuel Antonio Beach (Costa Rica) 🤔

Recently I was watching an inspirational video on the Film Courage YouTube channel.


Film Courage is a video content curator who hosts interviews different artists, writers, producers, and movie directors throughout Hollywood.


Its intent is to provide a platform for creative types to receive insights and advice from others whom they may feel a sense of relatable connection to.


An expression from a Writer & Producer by the name of Joston Ramon Theney, instantly struck a nerve inside of my body upon hearing it.


The phrase he shared was:


“You should live your life the way you want to go out.”




I instantly felt deeply connected to his very matter of fact statement, as a light bulb went off in my head and could be felt throughout my whole entire body (I invite you watch the full 15-minute video here)


We all are here in the pursuit of living our best life, right?


I mean at the end of the day, we all aspire to live peaceful and happy lives that create some positive impact in the world.


I often think of the word legacy.


Actually, it’s a word I intentionally think of everyday.


One of the first things I outwardly verbalize and even write as the first line whenever I begin a writing session is:


What would spirit love to express through me in this moment?”


I feel it anchors me into something far bigger than what my mind may be able to even grasp.


It opens up my ‘being’ to possibilities or inspiration that may not be as present before.


I’ll be honest in that I’m no biblical scholar, but the Matthew 7:7 verse of:


“Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you”


How does this relate to the ‘living life the way you want to go out’ in the present moment?


I believe it has everything to do with it.


I believe there’s a deep part of each and everyone us, that desires to be powerfully expressed into the world.


A part of our being that whenever we are doing it, we feel a sense of expansion, lightness, and effortless flow throughout our bodies.


We’ve all had glimpses of this, however sometime in the art of ‘life-ing,’ we forget or remove ourselves from the awareness of how that shows up for us individually.


Recently I was on a coaching call with a Career Coach based in San Francisco.


Presently, they’re going through a complete revamping of their professional website and expressed and proactively expressed an interest in having a coaching session with me, with the intention of creating deeper insights into how they can better manage their days.


They mentioned that they feel like they’re all over the place, as they frequently feel tired and overwhelmed with the amount of work they’re engaging in with their clients.


They even mentioned feeling a deep sense of imposter syndrome on top of it too.


As they described to me the type of work they were doing with their clients, I could sense an underling feeling of heaviness to it.


I then asked, “do you genuinely enjoy the work you’re doing as a Career Coach?”


They instantly replied back saying “yes, Brandon, I genuinely do love supporting my clients.”


However, I gently nudged them again, asking how they presently felt within their body.


They mentioned a constriction within their throat and an overall feeling of just being overwhelmed.


I then directed the conversation to what it is that they genuinely love, and described the methodology around being in one’s Zone of Genius (which they were already casually familiar with – if personally interested, you can read more about how to discover your own in the hyperlink above).


They then had the awareness that they absolutely love teaching professionals how to clarify their stories, so they themselves can create updated and more powerfully conveyed resumes.


Instantly, I could see and feel a complete 180-degree shift in not only their body position, but also in the lightness of their face and calming clarity in which they spoke.


I then reflected this back to them and they could see and feel it clearly within themselves too.


They then expressed how they genuinely didn’t enjoy all the time, energy, and hours it took for them to transcribe and edit all the data and language from their clients into the actual resume itself.


I then presented them with two possibilities:


1.     Could it be possible to outsource that particular portion of putting all the language/stories together, to someone who absolutely loves that type of work?


2.     Could it be possible to do exactly what you shared you love in helping the client clearly identify their own story, and teach them how to convey and create it on their own resumes themselves?


They instantly, I kid you not, nearly jumped out of their seat with excitement.


“Yesss Brandon, that feels so much more aligned to me!”


I then asked, what if you could create your whole entire business around the piece in which you love (teaching professionals who are in a transitory stage, how to clearly identify their stories and recreate resumes that fully puts their strengths and best qualities forward)?


“Yesss Brandon! That is exactly what I want!”


Then simply put, let’s create it I said.


We then identified the exact type of clients whom they’d feel most excited about working with (which frankly put, aren’t the majority of whom they presently work with), and I invited them to create a new boundary around who it is they are drawing in (as well as clearly seeing who wouldn’t be ideal for them, so that they could either let them go or refer them to another more aligned coach).


This is a successful Professional Coach, residing in San Francisco, who has a full list of client they serve all around the world.


However, on an energetic level, they weren’t truly aligned and operating closely within their Zone of Genius.


I even asked them verbatim, how much time are you spending per day/week teaching and coaching clients around cultivating and clarifying their stories?


“To be honest Brandon, maybe one hour a week.”


They mentioned that the vast majority of their work with clients was around the editing of all the information they gathered in a lengthy introductory session with them.


This process could take them on average 6-7 hours of intentional linear focus (per client), where they are doing tasks that they frankly do not enjoy, which creates no sense of exciting or uplifting energy (and is the culprit of the deep sense of overwhelm and anxiety they originally approached me with).


After the introductory session in which they absolutely love and enjoy, they’d then go back and forth with their clients during the revisional editing period (where even more and more of their energy would begin and continue to go in a downward decline).


Does anything relatable come up for you upon reading this?


If so, I mention all of this as an invitation for you to look inward within yourself.


What areas of work or life are you ‘doing’ from a place of heaviness and dread, rather than anticipation, excitement, and true desire?


The important part is to look at these aspects (however they may appear) from a place of curiosity rather than judgement.


If you’re finding yourself inwardly shaking your head ‘yes’ up and down, upon reflecting on what I shared, then more than likely, you’ve probably already judged yourself enough.


So why not let that go of the tightness and rigidity that that particular inward perception can create within the body, and allow and open and light curiosity to take its place. 


When we feel a deep sense of tightness, we actually close ourselves off from opportunities to see new and more life enhancing possibilities that could change the whole entire outlook and direction of one’s life.


It really is that simple.


However, sometimes us humans (who are naturally wired for routine and habit), can make things more difficult on ourselves.


We get so used to focusing on doing things a certain way, that even when slight mental tweaks or perceptions are right under our noses, they may fly right past us.


This can especially go for those who embody more of a grounded ‘tunnel vision’ disposition, rather than the ‘head floating in the clouds’ type.


Whatever we focus on and implement on a day-to-day basis, the more of it we become.


In this particular case, the focus and attention were on doing work that while being paid healthily for it, was actually creating the opposite on an inner health level.


The stress, heaviness, and overall feeling of being inwardly trapped, wasn’t allowing the space for a whole new paradigm to be seen.


The beautiful part of it all is that I’m saying all of this with absolutely no judgement.


Hey, I mean where all humans right?


It’s empowering to know how quickly an aspect could be changed, when a mirror is provided that is able to see possibilities that we may not even be able to see within ourselves.


It’s why athletes, actors, the entertainment industry, and top-level successful executives usually always have a Personal Coach.


Someone to reflect back to them (who may not even be as successful or knowledgeable in the field of what that individual person knows), what they see and identify new possibilities to expand and elevate forward (that oftentimes were previously unknown).


Tom Brady has a Coach.


Michael Jordan had a Coach.


Tiger Woods has a Coach.


Will Smith has a Coach?


Stephen Curry has a Coach.


Tony Robbins has a Coach.


Gary Vaynerchuk has a Coach.


These are unequivocally some of, if not the absolute top people within their fields.


However, let’s not put them on a pedestal here for a moment.


These are really just super highly motivated individuals who actions show that they are committed to mastery in the particular area of their focus.


To ultimately being the best and pulling out the absolute highest level of skill that resides within their bones.


One last question.


Do you believe these individuals dread or love what it is that they are doing professionally?


I’d venture a very strong guess to say they embody the latter.


They’ve identified a purposeful and meaningful area within their lives that they’ve over time chosen to bet on themselves around.


From that intentional commitment to being their best versions, they each allowed others to assist and support them on continuing to level up and improve in different areas within their lives.


That’s life.


We choose how we live it.


And we show up each and every day (rather consciously or unconsciously), making decisions that will either lead us further towards the life we would love to live, or the one we feel stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated in creating.


So why not choose to ‘live your life the way you want to go out, now?”


As it’s a hell of lot better than grudging along in doing something that not only doesn’t truly serve you, but limits your capacity to share your gifts, light, and authentic power with others too.


With Love,



P.S. –


If you’re at a place in life where even though your intentions are to expand forward, you feel that you keep hitting the same wall (time after time after time again), then we should speak. Click here to book a call directly with me. On it, you’ll share the exact challenge you’re presently experiencing at this time. And by the end of the call I guarantee you’ll feel more of a sense of inner peace, calmness, and crystal-clear clarity on the best way to navigate forward.