The Power of Doing What You Absolutely Love

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We’re all here to serve a purpose in one way or another.

No matter what stage of life one is in or whether they can truly feel this in the current moment, a happy life equals and abundant life.

Lets first start with what abundance means:

It is defined in the dictionary as plentifulness of the good things of life; prosperity.

Dissecting this gives us a unique opportunity to go inwardand ask ourselves if we are truly living a life of pristine gratitude.

Do we wake up each morning in the bliss of appreciation and happiness for all that we’ve created up until the present day, or are we so focused on what we need to attain next to feel fulfilled, that we gloss over the beauty of the present moment?

Gratitude and love are the most powerful forms of energy that we can hold in the body.

It heals us, it awakens us, it unites us with others, and most importantly it saves us from a life of regret, constant worry, and keeps our self worth from ever being attached to external accomplishments.

We learn to embrace the smaller things that ignite us, leading to feeling more peaceful, serene, and in a state of awe to all the beauties of the world that are right in front of us, each and everyday to see.

Living in the state of constant “push” doesn’t allow the easiness of “flow” to fully permeate our entire beings.

Each one of us sees reality from a different set of lenses, and when we take responsibility for this delicate way of life, we’re then able to appreciate all the differences as more of a prism of creativity.

Deep down when we get into states of negativity or self-sabotage, it’s always coming from the same place; a disconnection from our hearts center.

When connected to our hearts, we vibrationally show up differently.

We cannot only feel it, but others can too on a subconscious level.

How does this coincide in the “doing” part of what you love?

It goes hand in hand to our sense of total acceptance and fulfillment to who we are in the present moment.

The present moment is truly all we have.

Perpetually keeping ones focus in the past roots us in fear.

Constantly adopting the same behavior for our future can induce us in into anxiety.

When operating from these two states, we become paralyzed to old patterns that keep us attached to cycles of the same repetitive past behaviors over and over again, which prevent us from fully living and expanding into our most authentic selves.

When constantly being driven by external goals for the future, without recognizing the innate beauty of the journey in itself, then we’ll always be energetically constrained by worry and an underlying pressure of not fully accepting ourselves for who we are in the present moment.

What’s underneath both of these?

A lack of pure and unabashed self love for ourselves.

Our past is nothing but a collection of events that we experienced on a timeline that doesn’t persist in the present.

Our future is nothing but a collection of our imagination and what we’d like to experience, which we haven’t yet in our physical reality.

Knowing this, wouldn’t it make absolute sense to focus more of our energy to doing more of what we absolutely love in the present moment?

It truly is the only way to tap into the inner creative reserves that each of us has, which happens to also be the catalyst for living abundantly.

Genuine self love + Gratitude for all that we have = Immense Abundance

It really is as simple as that.

There’s no need to overcomplicate or add other parameters to the equation.

Some daily mantras could be:

“I am enough.”

“I love myself.”

“I am grateful for all the beauty in my life.”

“I am grateful for having a comfortable bed to sleep on each night.”

“I am grateful to genuinely be able to eat anytime I please.”

“I am in love with the passion of my heart.”

“I am thankful for being alive and having the opportunity to create new experiences each and every moment.”

Do you feel a tad bit lighter after reading those?

It’s amazing how quickly we can go from a constrained to expansive state, just from switching the dialogue of how we speak to ourselves.

One of the most powerful practices I personally enjoy is giving out compliments to others.

I love seeing the sometimes-startled reactions and pleasant smiles received when doing this.

It instantly makes me feel good to see others feeling good.

Most importantly, it helps me get out of my own head and into an active state of giving unto others.

We’re all interconnected in the microcosm of the macro world.

Light pierces through darkness and operating from a state of abundance and appreciation for what is, permeates us to a freer flowing and expansive state.

From this place we’re more finely attuned to tap into our most loving and authentic selves.

It’s impossible to not be operating from our hearts when in this mode.

Spending more time cultivating our immense appreciation for the opportunity to be alive and in a physical world that genuinely brings us what we focus the greatest deal of our attention on, is what I truly consider to be a privilege and honor.

Life will inevitably throw us curve balls in the least unexpected times.

However when we are genuinely appreciative of each and every experience, even the perceived obstacles, we are able to trust ourselves more and make decisions with the best of intentions, at each present moment.

Deep down knowing that no matter what happens, we can always choose to be grateful for the beautiful experience and life lessons learned from it.

With Love,
